Some Safari Photos!
I am now back in Dar es Salaam and presented my final report/exit debriefing to the staff here this morning. It went well and we had a good conversation. It has been an amazing experience here. Last weekend I managed to do a safari in Ruaha National Park. It was difficult because I had limited time and the park was about 10 hours away from Mbeya. At the time I didn't realize quite how far it was but bad roads and traffic can really prolong the drive. I ended up going to the park with my city counterpart and his friend, going in his friend's car. This was a considerably cheaper option than going with an official tour company. We left around noon on Friday and drove most of the day. We arrived in the town of Iringa that evening and stayed there. At 5am the next day we left for the park but it took around 4 hours to get to the park because the road was really bad and our little car had to go slowly. As we were getting close to the park but not yet in it we saw a monkey run acr...